I recently went to the cabin to cut down some more "red" beetle killed trees and decided that all work and no play will make Lance really sore without some play time. I ventured up the hill to Rob-Roy and managed to catch this rainbow fish. While 1 may sound like a very small number of fish to catch, when I add it to the 5 I caught last month that makes my limit and a tasty meal for whomever cares to join me when I cook them!!
The view at the cabin is changing every time I cut a tree and I am afraid that it will change even more before the year is up.. I fear that the beetles are winning the battle and may win the war with nearly 100% mortality of the pine trees. I am now paying more attention to the aspens and the small pineys as they are the future in the high country..
Photos coming soon as I forget to take pictures when I am working..
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