The backyard has the blue and light purple flowers blooming that the Hummingbird "moths" and the "birds" both love but I like the Tiger Lilies my self so here is a close of a flower and then the next photo is of the "mystery" veggie that came with the sunflowers and low and behold it is a Zuccini! It has taken a beating with the rain and light hail but we might salvage enough to make a loaf of bread!! Last but not least is everyones favorite the dandilion which everyone can grow!! Just to show the dilligence of the front flower hedge here is a close up of the Potentela peeking through the fence seeking a bee to keep it going!! Boy do those yellow flowers draw the bees!! While summer is almost over it is nice to see what we have to "view".. Hope you enjoy them as much I we do!!
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