This is a photo looking west from our yard to the neighbors yard.. As you can see the drifts are almost fence high.. You should see the other side of the fence!! The city has only removed the snow from the north (right side) of this photo and they refused to plow (rotary snow plow) to keep the city street (Schrader street) open!! With the University of Wyoming stock yard to the west of us there is no need to keep the road open other than to keep our street from drifting like it is!!!
Remember more snow is on the way this winter and spring!!! Boy oh boy it seems like if a time to be off work is in the winter, this is the winter to be off.. Yeehaw and let er snow!!
You guys are definitely having a white winter. Can you imagine the same thing only living on a farm like the olden days. At least you have the four wheeler and the snow blower! Try to keep warm!
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