Friday, June 15, 2007


The other day I decided to pull those d*** pig weeds or whatever the name that some scientist has given them in the front flower bed. While I never felt or noticed any bugs or "critters" on me while I was doing that dreaded chore I found several (5) spider bites under my left arm near the "pit"!! Plus the really itchy one on my back where it is impossible to scratch of course..

I had just received an interesting e-mail from a buddy that included some graphic photos of what happens when you get bit by a Brown Recluse Spider so I was a little bit concerned!! I rubbed some medicine on them hoping and praying that the bug that did the munching wasn't one of those nasty little buggers!!

When I got home yesterday evening from work I was in the garage listening to the Colorado Rockies baseball game and I decided to water the garden (what is left of it after the freeze) and the d*** skeeters were really bad. I then proceeded to spray up with the foul smelling bug-spray and continued to mow the grass. They still were bothering me so I mixed up a jug of spray juice and gave the whole yard a coating of Malathon and it really does get rid of them little critters, if only for a little while at least.. Now I feel a little bit better wandering around the yard today knowing that maybe I won't be lunch..

Now I need to make a run to Wal-Mart and get some 'bug bombs' for the crawl space underneath the house and I will then feel like I am the king of this here household!!

So remember to take back your outdoor space you may need to take drastic actions but it is worth it before you get munched on for b'fast,lunch or dinner as it makes it a whole lot more enjoyable!!

Plus it helps to be about 4000 times bigger than they are too!! Take that BUGS!!!!


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Gramma said...

and the one armed wife really appreciates you weeding that flower bed :-)


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