The New Wyoming Bean's
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
These photos prove that summer does arrive in Laramie after all!! It is July 15th and the flower beds and pots are in full bloom here on Eberhart street! Even the garden has some plants that survived the spring onslaught of cold/rain/hail!! With any luck we will have a long fall and or an Indian summer to get some produce from the garden!!
Monday, July 06, 2009
I feel kinda "geekish" as I decided to purchase a new computer rather than buy a new monitor (my old new flat screen bit the big one) and my keyboard had "an attitude" as Becky put it because sometimes the keys worked and sometime they didn't (that is why some email's and post have misspelled words).. So I went out and bought a new HP high powered system and hey it allowed me to get the new Windows 7 operating system upgrade too so maybe in the long run I made a wise choice (I keep telling myself that anyway)...