Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here is the seat and the flower boxes uncovered from the snow!
This one I left covered to get the moisture out of the snow!

Wet soggy mess on the road with all the moisture in that heavy wet snow!

REX needs a bath and he deserves it with all the work he did! If I had to shovel that snow I would be down for a week with a bad back!! Thanks REX great job!!

REX to the rescue!!

This the neighbor's house across the steet from us.
Note the bench seat on the right side is almost covered up.

All 4 sides of the house looked like this..

At least it is a 4wd!

Here is the bench and the flower planters totally covered up with snow!

More springtime photo's!

So much for springtime in Laramie!!

We got about 6-8 inches of heavy wet snow last night and winds over 40mph which made for a winter like scene here at home!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here are some spring time photos of the back yard and hopefully the flower beds and the Lilac and trees will start to show more color in the weeks to come. Sorry no garden pictures this year as it won't happen because I have a shiny new fishing license and conservation stamp in my wallet that is going to take up a lot of my time this summer!! Safeways still sells produce!!

Backyard in the spring of 2010!!

Here is some spring time flowers that always pop up early and last until winter!! The pontentella hedge sure took a beating with the heavy wind blown snow this past winter that I hope is now over! I mowed the grass short to allow the rains/snow to get to the roots to help in the fight with the high water bills that seem to be getting higher and higher every year!!

SpringTime in Laramie I hope!!