Monday, August 23, 2010

I went up to the cabin on Friday and spent a quiet night after sealing the deck with stain/sealer.. Here is a photo of the moon shining through the upper front window of the cabin!! Sorry the time on the clock that Jeanne got us is not the actual time as it was only 9pm almost bedtime in the mountains!!

Decided I needed to get up to the cabin to cut down the "red" trees that are everywhere this weekend so here is a couple of photo's to prove that Jim, Bonnie, Becky and myself with the great help of "REX" and "BIG BLUE" the tractor!! My thanks to all for their help in cleaning up the cabin site.. Still more work to do but hey there is next weekend and OH BOY a week of vacation to get after it again!!

Pretty sore and out of shape but as they say ' no pain no gain'

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here is the front Hedge from a wide view to the small Hide hole that the flower is in the backside to a hungry bee munching on the nector! While only 4 individual plants it sure puts out the flowers every year! enjoy!!

The backyard has the blue and light purple flowers blooming that the Hummingbird "moths" and the "birds" both love but I like the Tiger Lilies my self so here is a close of a flower and then the next photo is of the "mystery" veggie that came with the sunflowers and low and behold it is a Zuccini! It has taken a beating with the rain and light hail but we might salvage enough to make a loaf of bread!! Last but not least is everyones favorite the dandilion which everyone can grow!! Just to show the dilligence of the front flower hedge here is a close up of the Potentela peeking through the fence seeking a bee to keep it going!! Boy do those yellow flowers draw the bees!! While summer is almost over it is nice to see what we have to "view".. Hope you enjoy them as much I we do!!

Here is a close up of the Sunflower with a Bee "feeding" on it and then the next photo is a wide shot of the 3 plants that we planted next to the front window to "smile" at us in the morning!! A close up of the "Kale" and the sweet peas that are slow to bloom in front of the wagon wheel and then the wide shot of the front flower bed with the petuna's and the pansies "smiling" at us every day! They smell good too!

Here are some more photo's of the "garden" of flowers here at the Eberhart household!

Been a while since I posted so here are some summer time flowers for you to enjoy! We filled the planter boxes with flowers and boy did the early summer wind have fun wrecking havoc on them but the Moss roses did well! This lonely Potentalia flower refuses to be denied a bloom as it crawls through the holes of the front fence every year and blooms a yellow flower for the bees to enjoy!