Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rex is the name of the Polaris sidebyside. I picked up the 'Prestige" plate today!
Thanks Becky..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

2Storms in 2 days and this is the result!! If you zoom in on the ruler in the snow on the picnic table it shows 9" inches!! As the other photo shows the 2 'soldiers' resting after doing their duties getting the snow moved and moving us when when went to visit Granny and Pa!! Becky wanted to learn how to plow so plow we did this morning!!
She is learning the little things like backing up into the garage with her Caddy in there.. There also is the trick of lifting up and lowering the plow at the same time as you are pushing snow!!

It isn't as easy as it sounds but with a long winter ahead of us it will give us lots of practice.. By spring she will be a pro or the Caddy will need to go visit the autobody doctors!!

Winter is here!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another year has come and gone since my last veterans day post!! Still at "war" so we must stand by our troops who are in harms way now and our veterans that have served in past wars!! Thanks to all of my family members for their service and I only hope that the conflicts we have now will end soon.

May we always remember those who have served and those who "gave all"

Monday, November 09, 2009

Looking out the backyard these photos's are a sign of how low the sun sets in the south compared to how it sets during the summer when the sun is a little bit further north!!
this is at 4:30 in the afternoon so I can't imagine with the time change what it will be like on Dec 21st!!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Got these photo's from the Denver Bean's! Halloween in the big city for these 3 little ghoulies!! Hope they got lots of "loot" from the nice people in Aurora!! Happy Halloween!!