Sunday, February 04, 2007


This is a photo looking west from our yard to the neighbors yard.. As you can see the drifts are almost fence high.. You should see the other side of the fence!! The city has only removed the snow from the north (right side) of this photo and they refused to plow (rotary snow plow) to keep the city street (Schrader street) open!! With the University of Wyoming stock yard to the west of us there is no need to keep the road open other than to keep our street from drifting like it is!!!

Remember more snow is on the way this winter and spring!!! Boy oh boy it seems like if a time to be off work is in the winter, this is the winter to be off.. Yeehaw and let er snow!!


This the fence between my neighbor to the west of our house.. The snow drifts are up to the top of the fence which is a 6' privacy fence!! Hopefully it will all melt into the ground this spring and help the water shortage that we have had in the past!! Sometimes enough is not enough but boy right now it seems we are getting our fair share!!


While it has been highly antipicated, it is finally the day to watch the next to the last football game for quite awile.. The Pro bowl is the last one but that one is for the showboats to 'play' around in in Hawaii and not much of a game to watch for competition.. My hopes are for the Colts to pull out a win for Coach Dungy but da Bears are always tough when they have a lot on the line.. should be a good game to watch..

I have the buffalo wings out and getting the seasoning soaked in so they will be ready to cook this afternoon and I have 'really cold' beer in the garage with the really big refrigerator doing a fine job of keeping things just about frozen..

A quick trip in the 4 wheel drive truck to get the chips and dip here in a little while and we will be all set to kick back and do nothing this afternoon!!

So Bring it on!!

Super Sunday is here!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Here is a 'double' team job on the neighbor lady's driveway across the street from our house! I have never refused to help someone who is willing to help themselves first.. Even thought she is single (widowed) she is always working in her yard, spring, summer and even winter!! Boy that snow was hard as a rock!!!

Ever wonder why we need a full size 4 wheel drive in the driveway? This truck hasn't moved for quite awhile as you can tell from this photo!!
The earlier blog shows that this is where the snow drift started and it goes clear to the 'black' car in front of our house!! Yeehaw!! It has only just begun to snow with March and April as our heaviest snow months! Can't wait for more only because the snow blower is still working just fine..

I did clean out our driveway and the blown in snow is as hard as concrete so if you don't just take a little off the edge you might as well give up and let the spring sun melt it away!!

This is the next door neighbors drift. This is what happens when you don't keep up with the constant pounding of the 7 storms that we have had in as many weeks.

Friday, February 02, 2007


The weather here in Laramie is not NICE!! With a low of -23 below last night now combined with 20-30 mph winds have made this friday not very nice!!

Pa (aka Vern) came by this afternoon showing off his new "Tahoe" that he purchased a couple of days ago and we of course went for "a ride" to check it out and boy oh boy are the road outside of Laramie really bad...

We went up Roger's canyon road which is of course the road refered to as 'the dump" road and the snow is drifting pretty bad. He was impressed with the performance of the new vehicle so we then decided to turn and head back to town.. Then we went past the 'bloody bucket" road (Pierce avenue in case you don't know what that meant)and proceeded west towards the cutoff road to the Stone gables place on the highway to Albany and needless to say we see a big old roadgrader with a plow on the front with a side wing plowing so we pulled over at Fortman's (used to own Fortman's plate and glass before he retired) when the plow driver gave us the hand sign that the road was closed to our kind of traffic.. Sooooo we backtracked to the bloody bucket road and returned to the home street of Eberhart.. It is getting snowed in so I hope Becky can make it home in the Grand Prix after work!!!

Some times life is an adventure and leave it to PA to find one!! YeeHaw!! We need to get him some cable chains for that new rig and it's 20" wheels!! Then we can really get into deep doodoo!!

Smile and remember UPDATE!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


What is kinda nice you ask?? When you have 'time off' you realize that there is some normalicy in having a regular routine.. Your get to read the newspaper the morning it was delivered instead of 2 days later. You go to bed every night and thankfully the phone doesn't ring telling you to hurry up and drive to Cheyenne. You get to watch Deal or No Deal on the TV instead of catching the re-run on MSNBC the next week. Just lots of little things that some people take for granted.. I am really getting to like the time off but lurking in the back of my mind is the thought that you HAVE to go back to work!!! Aughhh!!!!

Still waiting for the Mail Person to bring the 'special' letters so I can go to the bank but hopefully soon.I am sure it too will get on a regular schedule..

Weather is 'frigid' here and it is gonna get even colder, -9 last night around 8pm with the overnight cold at -13 and the weather 'guessers' say -15 to -20 tonight and the rest of this week. Only trouble we are having is watching the firewood pile dwindle down to nothing but at least we have back up heat and Hey Spring is on the way!!

Smile and remember UPDATE!!!