The weather here in Laramie is not NICE!! With a low of -23 below last night now combined with 20-30 mph winds have made this friday not very nice!!
Pa (aka Vern) came by this afternoon showing off his new "Tahoe" that he purchased a couple of days ago and we of course went for "a ride" to check it out and boy oh boy are the road outside of Laramie really bad...
We went up Roger's canyon road which is of course the road refered to as 'the dump" road and the snow is drifting pretty bad. He was impressed with the performance of the new vehicle so we then decided to turn and head back to town.. Then we went past the 'bloody bucket" road (Pierce avenue in case you don't know what that meant)and proceeded west towards the cutoff road to the Stone gables place on the highway to Albany and needless to say we see a big old roadgrader with a plow on the front with a side wing plowing so we pulled over at Fortman's (used to own Fortman's plate and glass before he retired) when the plow driver gave us the hand sign that the road was closed to our kind of traffic.. Sooooo we backtracked to the bloody bucket road and returned to the home street of Eberhart.. It is getting snowed in so I hope Becky can make it home in the Grand Prix after work!!!
Some times life is an adventure and leave it to PA to find one!! YeeHaw!! We need to get him some cable chains for that new rig and it's 20" wheels!! Then we can really get into deep doodoo!!
Smile and remember UPDATE!!!