The New Wyoming Bean's
Friday, August 31, 2007
Here is Becky standing by her new Cadillac CTS!! That is why the "old" green car got bumped out of the confines of the garage!!! After I got rid of the old 1990 Ford Escort that I bought from Flossie the license plate number 5-363 was just waiting to get used again so she got to put them on the 2003 Caddy!! With less than 25,000 miles on it is like new and it has all the bells and whistles that you can think of!!!
She can't wait for the road trip to Boise to see the kiddo's and the grandbabies next week..
We will get to road test it to the cabin tomorrow and wait for the Denver Bean grandkids to show up for the Labor Day weekend.. I will post some of the photo's from that adventure when I get home!!
What is wrong with this photo! 2 guesses? 1 is no firewood on the driveway waiting to get stacked. Or 2 the green car is on the slab second out behind the "new" pickup.. If you guessed both you are correct but why is the good car on the driveway instead of in the confines of the garage?
See the next post for the answer to both!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Ah the new story as I referred to in an earlier post is about the treadmill!! After countless miles put on it the rear adjustment posts finally gave out.. I then decided to tear into it and find out which part failed!!! Wrong thing to do without looking at the instruction manual... I tore into this as a child would do with a package at Christmas!! OH NO how do I get it back together was all I could think of.. So I broke down( this happens the older you get by the way) to seek assistance.. I ordered the new parts and alas it came with the instruction on how to tear it apart and how to re-install it!! Stupid me!! With a fair amount of cussing and such, I did manage to get it back together with my dear wifes help!! Moral of the story is look at the booklets that come with these contraptions and save them!! You might and most definately will need them in the future as nothing last forever!!
Becky has been remodeling her room with the addition of Bobbie's "old" video center!! It was a challenge to get it into this back bedroom but after 3 try's we finally got it "crammed" into the room with only a minimal "scarring" of the newly painted trim!! It is really a nice addition for her yarn and allows her to use the newly repaired treadmill!! Another story!!
The fish tank finds it rightful place after the remodeling project! They are happy and content and I added some more Neon's and replaced the algae eater with a "pigmy" one that Andrea told me about!! The old one would disrupt the "fake" plants and it just got too big so hopefully this one will only grow to 6".. Also in the photo I had to get the "pro's" to come over and hook up the tv and video center as I made diagrams and of how it was before but I couldn't get it to work as it was before!! It now works and we are looking forward to watching some of the new movies when the weather turn cold here in the near future!
While this may look familiar there are some important differences!! This photo shows the "finished" living room with the wood stove "reinstalled'!! After a refinishing of new paint,door sealing rope and a sealing of the firebricks on the inside it is as good as 'new'!! Wow we saved about $3500 bucks to refurbish this old reliable earth stove and she looks and works (we had to start a small fire) to season the firebricks and paint!! Yahoo one more project finished!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
I will keep you informed of the progress!!