Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This what happens when you have a tornado like this! These are some of the photo's that Becky received from Roxanne showing the damage they received from the tornado.. There has been some newspaper stories about how this wasn't "too much problem" for us but I can only imagine how it must feel when it happens to you or someone you know!! "Only" 220 homes were effected by this storm but I am so sad that it happened to Jim and Roxanne!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


As I stated in my earlier post that Ogre and Roxanne lost their 5th wheel this a photo from the Laramie Daily Boomerang showing what is left of it!!

They did lose their fence, outside furniture, and have some roof/siding damage. It hit them pretty hard and then to add insult to injury it snowed about 2 inches last night and got down to 28 degrees!! They are still without power and phone lines so maybe a prayer or 2 would help out their plight!! Hope everything gets better for them soon...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wierd Weather!!

It is still May and it is a really wet rainy/snowy month but not one known for tornados!! We need to say thanks here in this household that we were spared but some family members and good friends weren't quite so lucky!!
Becky's niece Andrea and my good friend Jim(ogre) and his wife Roxanne who also live out by Wal-Mart got touched by the Twister that touched down in their neighborhood. Jim lost his 5th wheel trailer as well as his fence and has some roof/siding damage along with no power and phone..

With a steady downpour now turning to snow that is a big problem that they face so I only hope that things work out for the best for all concerned.

The vet clinic across for Jim's house lost the roof and the Tumbleweed (the log cabin type) gas station is gone according to the info I got from Andrea. we haven't ventured out as we have had several tornado "warnings" all day long.

We picked up ryder from school and watched him till his Mom came and rescued him after her 12 hour day at work was over. Now she has to go home to a dark and cold home so I only home they ask for help if they need it..

So please be thankful of what you have today as tomorrow it might be gone!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yesterday I posted these photos sans the snow.. We received around 2-3 inches of the white stuff but I am sure hoping that soon, really soon, it might not be white but clear when we get some much needed moisture.. I am not gripeing but hey look at the bright side, I don't have to water or mow the slowly greening grass underneath!!

Monday, May 12, 2008


It must have been while I was sleeping when all this wood showed up cut and stacked on the driveway!! Wait, my back says it must have been while I was awake and I helped!! Oh well!!

I sure wish all of the kids and grandkids could show up for a week and we would have it all done!! (Maybe) All you need is a strong back and a weak mind but I keep forgetting that you guys are all smarter than me so you have strong minds and strong backs too!! Just think we could have Amber & Tyler be the water/beer bunnies and then Abby,Ally and Nora could be the sideline cheerleaders cheering us on!!

Someday maybe when I retire, I can only hope!!

Thursday, May 08, 2008


You have to love those two stores seeings how we don't have a "big box" store like Lowes or Home Depot!! Laramie Lumber and True Value works!!

This is what I needed to do for several years but never had the time or the incentive to re-handle my tools!! I needed to get the polaski ready to plant new trees at the cabin so while I was shopping for a new handle I found a handle for the single bit axe & the double bit axe and then I seen the handles for the post hole digger that I didn't even know you could replace... I had to re-do the holes in the post hole digger to make it work but the others were a simple (a large hammer and a drill to get the old handles out) and then it was a SIMPLE replacement!! Yeah right as I got 2 blisters on my hand from the saws-all to get the bolts cut off and I was lucky to never hit my fingers/hand at all.

I put a semi-sharp edge on the cutting tools so now I am ready to get some firewood this summer!! Come on summer!!


I have been trying everything to get spring to arrive.. Now I have washed the truck and got the bikes down from the ceiling hooks and washed/aired up the tires so I am hoping that will do it!! We have been getting a few sprinkles of rain with no snow but maybe that will change tonight with a new front coming in along with another one right behind it.. With the robins and the birds building nests everywhere I think they want it as much as I do. come on SPRING!!

Friday, May 02, 2008


It blew so hard last night and today that approximately 13 railroad cars blew over between Laramie and Cheyenne!! For those who know where Dale Junction wx545 is that is where it happened!! Shut down all 3 mainlines for how long who knows until they get it cleared up!! Only 1 catch is the roads are still closed out of here and Cheyenne!! I knew it kept me awake last night but I didn't know it would do that kind of damage up on the "hill".. I best look at the roof and see if I need a few shingles!!

7-Day Forecast for Latitude 41.3N and Longitude -105.61W (Elev. 7196 ft)

7-Day Forecast for Latitude 41.3N and Longitude -105.61W (Elev. 7196 ft)

Keystone, Wyoming Web Cam page

Keystone, Wyoming Web Cam page

Southeast Wyoming Road Report Update

Southeast Wyoming Road Report Update


I tried to add the wyoroad report to this blog but evidently I don't know how to do that as it is not included!! Just to give you a clue of what it shows is there is a lot or road closed in big bold red letters everywhere in and out of Laramie!!

Spring time is sure and adventure!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Spring update!! I think I started the seedlings a tad bit early... I have already transplanted the cucumber/zuccinni into bigger pots and boy are they enjoying the sunlight/or brightness of the days here on the kitchen table.. The tomatoe plants that Adriene brought us home from Nampa/Boise are getting bigger by the day too!! They too have been re-potted into larger pots and I have the "big" pots ready just in case summer shows up here in the high country.. We have snow/wind with 3-6 inches forecasted for tonight so we will have to see if they earn their money this week.. Ha Ha!!
Remember think sun/warm and no more SNOW/WIND