As I stated in my earlier post that Ogre and Roxanne lost their 5th wheel this a photo from the Laramie Daily Boomerang showing what is left of it!!
They did lose their fence, outside furniture, and have some roof/siding damage. It hit them pretty hard and then to add insult to injury it snowed about 2 inches last night and got down to 28 degrees!! They are still without power and phone lines so maybe a prayer or 2 would help out their plight!! Hope everything gets better for them soon...
Wierd Weather!!
It must have been while I was sleeping when all this wood showed up cut and stacked on the driveway!! Wait, my back says it must have been while I was awake and I helped!! Oh well!!
I sure wish all of the kids and grandkids could show up for a week and we would have it all done!! (Maybe) All you need is a strong back and a weak mind but I keep forgetting that you guys are all smarter than me so you have strong minds and strong backs too!! Just think we could have Amber & Tyler be the water/beer bunnies and then Abby,Ally and Nora could be the sideline cheerleaders cheering us on!!
Someday maybe when I retire, I can only hope!!
You have to love those two stores seeings how we don't have a "big box" store like Lowes or Home Depot!! Laramie Lumber and True Value works!!
This is what I needed to do for several years but never had the time or the incentive to re-handle my tools!! I needed to get the polaski ready to plant new trees at the cabin so while I was shopping for a new handle I found a handle for the single bit axe & the double bit axe and then I seen the handles for the post hole digger that I didn't even know you could replace... I had to re-do the holes in the post hole digger to make it work but the others were a simple (a large hammer and a drill to get the old handles out) and then it was a SIMPLE replacement!! Yeah right as I got 2 blisters on my hand from the saws-all to get the bolts cut off and I was lucky to never hit my fingers/hand at all.
I put a semi-sharp edge on the cutting tools so now I am ready to get some firewood this summer!! Come on summer!!
I have been trying everything to get spring to arrive.. Now I have washed the truck and got the bikes down from the ceiling hooks and washed/aired up the tires so I am hoping that will do it!! We have been getting a few sprinkles of rain with no snow but maybe that will change tonight with a new front coming in along with another one right behind it.. With the robins and the birds building nests everywhere I think they want it as much as I do. come on SPRING!!