Thursday, August 27, 2009


You would think I would be old enough to wear boots when handling firewood wouldn't you!! Evidently not!! I was wearing my old wore out wool slippers when a piece of wood slipped out of my hands and landed right on the big toe!! It was a lousy night sleep with the throbbing and even the covers on the bed felt like a ton of weight on it!! Walking is slow today and the only footware so far today is sandals with the toes open.. Can't wait till I go to work and have to wear my work boots!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When My grandkids visited us on their summer vacation Gramma Becky took the kids to the store to buy "flowers" for the house.. Tyler picked the sunflowers and Nora chose the peppers and the tomatoe!! Both are doing good but with the short season here in Laramie who knows which will make it to maturity first!! Thanks kiddo's for the memories of your choices!!

I got a taker on splitting wood!! With a little bit of coaching and some ear/hand protection she was a pro!! Thanks Becky for the help I really appreciated it!! Now I need some stackers!!!

Inquiring minds are wandering what I'm doing lately cuz I haven't updated this blog!! As you can see I cleaned out a place in the garage so I can sip beer between rain showers, split a little wood, and now I'm waiting for a stacker to move and stack it into the garage where I made room!! Any takers on the position? Didn't think so!! Now I will have to do it myself..

On another note maybe the reason I'm a little bit slower now-a-days is my son turns 34 tomorrow so I'm sure that is the real reason that things are slowing down around here!! I'm getting old and don't want to admit it!! argggg!

Can't wait for Labor day at the cabin!! Yeah Haw!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Something wierd is going on here in Laramie with the weather!!

Here it is the middle of August when the days are suppose to hot and the evenings warm so you can open the windows at night and get a restful nights sleep!! Ha Ha!! According to the national weather service on August 15th we tied a record low temperature of 34 degrees!! Again on August 16th, last night we again tied a record low of 34 degrees!! Come on what is the deal here!!!

I unhooked the hoses and closed the water supplies to the sprinkler valves (they are sensative to the cold because they are brass and plastic and freeze really easy)..

The garden and flowers have survived so far with only a few leaves showing signs of frost damage but when you see white frost on the roofs and the car windows in the middle of August it makes a person wander if the calender is right!!

A post script here about the weather on the 17th of August.. The NWS said it was another record low at 33 degrees.. Boy I can't wait for September or worse yet winter!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

This is a tad on the wierd side but hey if the shoe fits wear it!! This is what the City of Laramie delivered to us to put our trash in!! Note the brown color and expecially the picture of 'Steamboat" embossed on the side!! They aren't concerned about our image now are they?
This is the 'maiden voyage' for it so we will see how it looks after several months/years of use!!

Here is a couple of views of the firewood that I have been hauling in from the cabin over the summer!! In reference to my earlier post you will see that I should have built the rack way back in May!! Now if the firewood fairy would show up and split the big wood and stack all of this It would be nice!!

I finally decided that I need to build a rack for my truck so I could haul more of a firewood load in from the cabin!! I made it just in time to haul in the last load!! Am I stupid or just a little bit slow on the draw? Oh well at least I have it made for next year!! Ha ha!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here is a couple photo's of my fishing adventure at Rob Roy!! The trusty igloo cooler doubles as a chair and the view is nice too!! No fish on the hook this time but that is why they call it fishing not catching!
Always next time!!

I took the time to drive over to the other side of the mountain to visit my Dad and seen where the cows have raised hell with the tables at elk camp!! It happens every year but it seems that the older the materials are the harder to repair gets.. Especially without a whole lot of materials on hand!!

The 18th of this month will be my dads birthday so I made a trip up to elk camp and visited him!! Looks like someone else said hi too as I only left one!!
Happy birthday dad I miss you.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This photo shows the stump of what was once a really nice pine tree that was nestled up next to deck!! It not only provided shade from the early morning sun but it was a retreat/hiding place for the humming birds when they weren't feeding on the feeders! That one really hurt the spirit cutting it down to leave the small stack of firewood next to the aspen tree!!

Recently went to the cabin to cut some wood that had been felled earlier. It started in long lengths that were then cuto into pieces that will hopefully fit in the wood stove to finally being loaded in the truck for the trip to the driveway.. I then unload it and stack it (so it will fit on one side so we can use the other side of the drive to get in the garage) to hopefully await splitting.. Then I move it and stack it on the other side of the house and in the garage!! Going up to haul more home in the next couple of days and hopefully this will end the process for this year!! I hope!!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

I recently went to the cabin to cut down some more "red" beetle killed trees and decided that all work and no play will make Lance really sore without some play time. I ventured up the hill to Rob-Roy and managed to catch this rainbow fish. While 1 may sound like a very small number of fish to catch, when I add it to the 5 I caught last month that makes my limit and a tasty meal for whomever cares to join me when I cook them!!

The view at the cabin is changing every time I cut a tree and I am afraid that it will change even more before the year is up.. I fear that the beetles are winning the battle and may win the war with nearly 100% mortality of the pine trees. I am now paying more attention to the aspens and the small pineys as they are the future in the high country..

Photos coming soon as I forget to take pictures when I am working..